New Nacra F16 Sailing

These Trials are going to get interesting.
Some surprises coming beyond the Tornado, Phantom project and the AC Design team Winged bet, as a little bird told me weeks ago, also some additional bids as this other birdy told me some months ago…

One thing is for sure, the sailors that will aim to an olympic campaign here in Argentina, don’t give a dime, they have their preferences of course, but they are just expecting these trials results to start specific training, beyond sailing and racing the F18, although next year the F16 Fleet in Europe, USA and Australia will get more Pros onboard for sure, even before the Trials

3 Responses

  1. Anonymous says:

    .. I hope a real machine for the Olympics, not a toy

  2. Gav Parker says:

    I'm wondering why they've already got their dagger boards up 200mm when they're double trapping….

  3. Anonymous says:

    F16 sail plan is very powerful to its weight. Looks like they are heeling pretty well even with the "raised" boards. Consequently, they do not need any additional lift. Looks like they are using a longer dagger than F16s have been using. In know that "old"
    C2 daggers are being experimented on Vipers resulting in a longer dagger and requiring boards to be lifted as the pressure increases.
