Flying Phantom Production Final Foil Conf

Excellent pics from Dec 29 taken by Alex Udin. Click for HD. Pic one is clearly showing the new T rudders replacing the former L ones, and next image shows the new Dagger shape withouth the complex S at the top.
Now truly a Mini Me TNZ foil conf like Cammas C, that also has similar Kiwi scaled hulls. 
The flying Phantom looks just incredible, I will try to get to Europe next season just to take advantage of all the invitations I have to test the  Hydros,  F Phantom & coming flying GC32.
More images at their FB page

15 Responses

  1. JK Fla says:

    Really like the design of the ski, I was looking at your design as an 18'6" unlimited race sup.

  2. catsailingnews says:

    Yes, I've made a racing SUP based on this Surfski design. Finishing details to route it as a hollow frame construction.

  3. JK Fla says:

    That would be interesting to see, is there a reason you are going with a hollow construction? What size board?

  4. catsailingnews says:

    Here in Arg they are starting to race in 12,6. But as you say a 18'6'' unlimited or at 14' would be ideal lenght to scale this Surfski.

    Hollow to simplify construction. A routed framed kit for quick assembly like Tom Blake's hollow paddleboards, but using the router.

    Also only internal structure , and rails to be added/shaped at will later as an alternative too.

  5. JK Fla says:

    If you do not mind me asking what width are you using for the 12'6"? For an 18'6" unlimited I would want around 25" wide for my 90kg weight give or take a few kgs depending on the stability.

  6. catsailingnews says:

    For the 12'6'' I'm using 27. These are the lines of the 12,6 scaled for an unlimited.

  7. JK Fla says:

    For an unlimited it looks wide, most are 18'6"x25" with recessed decks to lower the CG. For a 12'6" it looks great. I would be interested to see what the black or blue surf ski looks like with the width pulled to 25". Coming from doing repair work to race sail boats I always liked looking at the lines and curves of the hulls. Thank you for all your responses, Jesse

  8. catsailingnews says:

    The view cause that wider sensation. This is actually 23" .. Compare with the 12,6 (27'')
    The Surfski is being wood framed for a one-off. Will post pics soon.

  9. JK Fla says:

    Awesome, can't wait

  10. ian howcroft says:

    Hi what is the latest with the surf ski MV 605 wp

  11. Ojay says:

    Hi, just saw the MV 605 wp ski project. Looks great. What would be the specifications? Any plans to build the ski? Thanks.

  12. catsailingnews says:

    A strip wooden model/proto was being built by my brother, but he moved his workshop to our river Delta and I think it is not finished yet. I might build it with someone in Europe too, and send it to cnc router here in BA soon along a racing sup.

  13. Ojay says:

    We are currently looking for a new, fresh design here in Australia, for a new brand (coming very soon). Interested in an exchange of information/coop?

  14. catsailingnews says:

    PM me and we can discuss it. Check mail below social links above right column.

  15. Oyay says:

    just sent an email