Updated Formula 18 by Performance Sailcraft Australia


Chris Caldecoat from PSA contacted original Capricorn dsigner, Martin Fischer, to make an update of the wave piercing pioneer in the F18. Maybe we will see her at LA too.

They worked on these changes:
Chris Caldecoat: “We worked hard on keeping the current profile so it looked like a Capricorn.
But the boat has actually grown. It has a lot more volume in the bow fading
through to the stern, Martin worked on this added volume and supplied very
accurate drawings and stats.

It is now a very big volume boat, the lines hide it well, it makes a Wildcat look little next to it.

Of course the back beam
was raised. And we used new extrusions for both beams.
Beams location has been moved further aft than any other boat on market.

The CB is forward, the foils are what have driven the design changes worked over by Martin and myself. We wanted foils that the boat would not trip over and would respond generating more power. We have now worked out how to do this but it is not cheap, but foils should last a long time thou.

Testing of the foils on a old Capricorn showed us you could run these foils down nearly all of the time, what we learned is we had a lot of power that needed a rig and hull combination to use it in a positive manner in shear performance gain.

Hence the CAP MK3 grew to be bigger and balanced differently. She looks like the original enough to keep her heritage but is very much a big evolution.
Big weekend coming up for testing. We will send you more pics soon.”
The good news is PSA is offering also the platform alone,or/and spare parts like masts, beams and casting you are seeing on the pics. And we are going to offer them with the Open Project too as alternative foils.
These new foils are designed by Martin Fischer, and you could actually order them through PSA.
I have that back beam positions on our RC16 from 2007, and it really works, you lose some leverage on the casting rudder bars though, but these rudders are over compensated as the Phantom one we received this past week here in BA.

This information provided by PSA was confirmed directly with Martin Fischer before its publication.
For more info contact Chris Caldecoat at www.lasersailing.com.au

1 Response

  1. R.Vilvens says:

    Looks like a wonderful platform