
Photo: Matías Capizzano – 
Last week I reported about the 100th birthday of one of our most important sailing clubs.
And guess who is celebrating 200 years now…?

Our young country, Argentina celebrates only 200 years of the “1810 Mayo Revolution” from Spanish rulers, that were taken prisioners by Napoleon in Spain.
Our patriots took the chance to cancel obedience to a non ruling and encarcelated king that was the head of a colonization system in America stablished by the Spanish kingdom through several local Viceroys.

Our karma as a nation is having everything any other country would kill for (for ie, some of the best natural resources and weather conditions in the World) but now and then we manage to waste our best opportunities due to internal conflicts, we can´t blame external causes, as for ie we didn´t suffer any World war, in fact in 1945 Argentina was known as the “breadbasket of the World” and all the progress and wealth of a young nation that comes with it.
Our Agroindustrial wealth potential is such that if a political and private sector agreement is met, the whole population here can have beef, milk and bread for free with the excess of commercialized goods and exported production revenues.

We already lost our 1st chance to consolidate a great Nation, I hope we can have a 2nd.. hey! we are only 200 years old, too much history left for Us.
Photo: Matías Capizzano – Frigate “Libertad (Liberty)”

2 Responses

  1. Anonymous says:

    "Our Agroindustrial wealth potential is such that if a political and private sector agreement is met, the whole population here can have beef, milk and bread for free…"

    If Argentina had a stable, free-market oriented governance, then some of that wealth potential could be realized. But union-pandering leftists can destroy any economy, regardless of its potential.
    The whole population will never have beef, milk and bread for 'free'. But some politicians love to promise such things, if people will give them power in exchange.

  2. Editor says:

    For 'free' is a way to say that we can produce in excess after exporting and supplying the internal market.

    And this concept is not promise from any populist politician, this proposition is real a was made by the producers of our Agro products.

    But this is no good for some, as it would end some old system that manage the help for the lower classes in exhange of political support.