Buenos Aires Week Day 2

Photo: Capizzano.com

Photo: Claudio Cambria

Photo: Capizzano.com

Photo: Capizzano.com

Photo: Capizzano.com

7 Responses

  1. Anonymous says:

    Who took a dump in the ocean? Nasty color…

  2. Anonymous says:

    No ocean my friend… read a book on geography some day…

  3. blair says:

    Ah yes, the Amazon…which leads into the south Atlantic…wait for it…ocean. Oh and seeing how one of the biggest problems in South America is deforestation, over-fertiliztation and waste from farming working its way into the river, that aint all silt, home-slice. Least thats what my book tells me…

  4. blair says:

    And trust me too, I know all about water pollution, my H16 turns brown after sailing in Naragansett bay near Newport if I sail within a week of a good rainstorm. Its nasty

  5. Editor says:

    Wrong again…

  6. Anonymous says:

    Enlighten me then….


  7. Editor says:

    That "Nasty" color is the natural color of that river, Rio de la Plata.
    They are muddy waters due to Parana river and other affluents bottom sediments.

    Color has nothing nothing to do with deforestation of pollution, is just mud, simple as that!

    Good pic here, Ocean starts when "nasty color" ends, widest river on the planet.

    Although pollution may become a huge problem in the future, is not responsible for that brown river color.