No Olympics? No problem: 49er, Laser, or Politics…?

Greatest Olympic Argentine athlete ever, Mauricio “Camau” Espínola was left without options for continuing his successfull Olympic campaign of four consecutives medals after isaf cut out the Tornado for 2012:
– 96 Silver Windsurf
– 2000 Silver Windsurf
– 2004 Bronce Tornado
– 2008 Bronce Tornado
Add a Tornado Worlds in 2004, a T European and several Windsurfing trophies…

So as Bundy thought, “what´s left for me? 49er right?” , but Camau decided to follow other grounds and he entered politics in his home province, where this week he was elected Major!! of Corrientes City, capital of Arg Corrientes province.

So Bundy has a new option after he decided to not even try a 49er campaign…
Jokes apart, sad to have these incredible sailors carreers being stop cold by ISAF …politics.
Maybe Camau can show some clean way to do politics to some loser and selfish isaf MNAs, also clean the images of Arg political class.
Best of luck to Camau on this new 4 year life project.

1 Response

  1. Rolf Nilsen says:

    The fact that professional sailors chooses to leave the olympic circuit instead of going over to a different (monohull) class clearly demonstrates that multihulls are a different breed and well worthy of being represented in the games.

    Shame on ISAF!