F18 North Americans: some pics

Photos SurfCityRacing Dennis Key and John William with a (modified) Cap main sheet setup.
Check boom bend and tramp working.
EDIT: Brett Goodall points out that this pic boom was not intended for that system, AHPC has a special extrusion for it. So that cleared, the idea was to show a different main system at least on current F18s although is being used on the Cap some years ago too.
So please consult your dealer before modifying critical setups of your racing cat.
You need some good Alu extrusion to support that load, I think some Tornados have similar setups but they used a larger rectangular section. Would like to have some feedback on that.

Photos SurfCityRacing The World Champs Coen and Thijs full trim

Photos SurfCityRacing Boats or crews? The same locals said that dutch crews had superior performance, good to have them giving clinics at the championship.
All F18 NAs were taken by SurfCityRacing the only source of photos for the championship

4 Responses

  1. Anonymous says:

    It's not a "new system" at worlds 2004 the australian with Capri used this solution…Emanuele

  2. Anonymous says:


    That is the wrong boom section. I think they have just modified a standard section We've been using centre sheeting since 2005 in the CAPRICORN, you need to go to a bigger extrusion (which we also supply)

    Brett Goodall

  3. Anonymous says:

    Hi Brett

    I thought something like that might have happened, as I pointed about the Tornado booms.

    Will clarify that remark on the post.


  4. Jonathan says:

    Boom aside, how exactly is the final block attached on the tramp? Is there perhaps a wire running from the front to rear beam with a grommet in the tramp to allow the block to attach to said wire perhaps?
    Curious to know….