Tagged: AC33

AC 33: The Future, Now

Photo: Gilles Martin RagetPhoto: Gilles Martin RagetPhoto: Gilles Martin RagetA glance...

AC 33: More training

Photo: Luca Butto/Alinghi Photo: Gilles Martin RagetTen days and counting…

Tough guys

Training in 22knots is not part of the legal battle, so...


and Oracle training match race techniques with the VX40s, I don´t...

BOR 90 Wing UP

All pics from Sailing Anarchy AC Forums re published with Photographer...


“Photo Gilles Martin-Raget / BMW ORACLE Racing”“Photo Gilles Martin-Raget / BMW...

BOR Changes

A Wing may still showup, meanwhile the Tri is testing some...

No RAK for AC 33

From Alinghi PressNew York Supreme Court orders 33rdAmerica’s Cup to be...