CSN Classifieds web Updated

Slowly our Classifieds section has been growing, I updated the classifieds web this week , work done along an update coming for Catsailingnews.

Personal Classifieds Ads will continue to be free to publish till March 15, 2019.  Then the cost will be 45us for a 12 month period.  No registration or additional hassle needed, you just send a mail with info and pics, we do the work for you.

In the future the idea is to offer new products too, and as always you can contact us for honest recommendations on any Catsailing subject, products or even personal & commercial projects you want to embark, if we don’t know the answer we will forward you to the right person as we’ve been doing  for more than 10yrs now, helping any way we can and growing our great Catsailingnews Network.

Send your Classified Ad or Contact us at [email protected]

Classifieds url is shop.catsailingnews.com