Eurocat 2009: Walk the Talk

Pics: Pierrick Contin
If there s a guy who like to interact in forums, express his opinions and give insight info of the Pro catamaran circuit and cats in general is Andrew McPherson, aka “Macca”.
With a solid 6th place overall with a 4,6,8,1,15,5 in course racing against the top notch of the Pro cat circuit and a 10th in the raid Macca shows he can walk the talk.
So watch out next time you argue with him in a forum, he really knows what he is talking about!

Above: Team Zwitserleven, Macca and his experienced crew, Herbert Dercksen (ex Booth crew on Tornado and F18, and Tornado Sport and VX40 guru)
Watch for this crew at next F18 Worlds…