AHPC LFoil Kit: Flying your Formula Cat

This is a interesting initiative by AHPC, they already been testing the ACup flying solution on a Viper, and now they are analyzing to to release a kit to upgrade your AHPC C2/Viper.
The good thing on this solution is that you don´t need to modify your boat, they can even build one for your rudders…. worth trying for sure. Contact Brett Goodall at ahpc.com.au

7 Responses

  1. Anonymous says:

    Its not April fools already??? Maybe someone needs to come up with the ETNZ foils. They work much better

  2. CSN says:

    Being telling that for a while now, but with this you don´t need to momdify your daggerboard case, and if you can adapt an 'L' add on a la Fischer Mayfly for the rudders, it could be some serious Fun..

  3. Anonymous says:

    Just get a moth, it's faster and cheaper.

  4. Anonymous says:

    And a kite surfer is cheaper and faster than a moth!! By heaps!! So what?

  5. Anonymous says:

    In my opinion it is not possible to get a stable flight with these foils. For ride height stability you need either an active control system – like on a Moth – or some dihedral. For pitch stability an "elevator" surface at the rudder is needed.
    So this "AHPC solution" may provide some funny jumping but no serious foiling.

    Martin Fischer

  6. Anonymous says:

    Martin With all due respect i dont think this is a solution that is intended to fully foil all the time like your Mayfly was…. My understanding is that it is a less draggy alternative to the Curved Foils seen on the As and some of the new nacras. 25 kts downwind is a bit quicker than a standard Viper thats for sure.

    Probably worth experimenting with as no fully foiling multi has been proven yet. I wouldn't mind giving them a go.


  7. Anonymous says:

    The video just makes it look like an party trick, and you can see from the problems Oracle have with their boats that this is not a easy thing to have working. anyone can write 25kts on a video image, but where is the shot of a gps? they could have just written 45kts and its the same story..