A-Class Logo Restyling: 4 Submissions received

The A Class has received to date 4 submissions for the possible update of the Class sail/hulls logo graphic with the intention to suit new class boats looks and how sailor in gral are currently viewing the As.
Any change should be approved by standard Class procedures. The Classic A and its baselines will remain official emblema.
These are just submissions to be analyzed by class members & officials and to be used in parallel (if approved) to promote the Class image.
Nicholas von Flitner, Kees Krijger & Melvinm Bootsgezel and Katie Staniforth and Gordon Upton are the authors of the 4 samples.

Limit date to Feb 1, 2014. Send your take to editor(at)a-cat.org – Official Class website A-Cat.org
Link to full gallery of each proposal:

Nicolas von Flittner
Kees Krijger & Melvin Bootsgezel
Katie Staniforth
Gordon Upton