F18 Mixed: German Style

Hidden lobby here , open lobby there but we all know which was the best option  for an Olympic comeback: an F18
No discussion was possible, large growing fleets all over the globe, hundreds of used and brand new boats available and all the Pros and weekend sailors sailing together.The German Hobie Cat Fleet 387 also show us that the F18s are suited for Mixed. The ‘Father’ of the F18 success, the Hobie Tiger, will be at Santander representing the class.

3 Responses

  1. Anonymous says:

    looks german 😉

  2. Anonymous says:

    make up your mind Martin!

  3. Martin says:

    My mind is quite clear:
    Check all posts on the matter, in every case I'm talking on different scenarios/alternatives.

    Is not the same for Mixed, Open, our favorite, the right choice for specs, what lobbies can do, what fans wants, the defacto choice beyond any spec, which is going to be selected and so on.

    Only close minded, uninformed and hidden lobbiers (not talking about fans and your average sailor here) are the ones so stubborn that might hurt our sport at any level.

    Gaebler interview on Monday and a Key point to get this Olympic thing going again.

    Check Olympic motto "Citius, Altius, Fortius" …. monohulls are so lame that they have tight limits, so any will do the job (Laser or Sunfish for ie).

    We are Multihulls, we perform, we are the AC right now, we are different and we must show our full potential within the established scenario limits.

    Thinking we will get 100 country slots for choosing the VW Beetle is not knowing the current status quo where Multis stand within ISAF politics.

    More on Monday, need to deliver some hulls.